Deer Me
Deer Me Deer Me: A comic by Sheryl Schopfer about a trio of roommates and the hassles that they lovingly cause each other. Happiness is annoying your friends.
Brief Note on Deer Me

I figured out most character statuses I want to achieve before I end the comic. This does not mean that Deer Me shall end anytime soon. It means that I have ending goals towards which I want to work. Deer Me started as an impulse project for which I had no original vision... which also means I had no plans for an ending. I dislike series that just fizzle or end abruptly, and realized I wanted to give the Deer Me characters good "And they lived happily ever after" situations in their lives. I figured many of those out this past month, which helps give the comic direction going forward. How long shall I take to achieve all these resolutions? In the immortal words of the Critical Drinker: "Don't know!"

Category: Deer Me Comic

Chapter: Update